Title: Fallen
Author: Lauren Kate
Classroom Activities
I think the book Fallen is a great book to have available as a resources for students to utilize for personal reading interests. I´m not sure if I would directly incorporate this particular book into an actual lesson plan or have them assigned to read it directly. The reasons I say this is because first the topic of religion or angels. This book doesn´t teach one way or the other, but we do live in a sensitive world and I wouldn´t want to step on any toes. The other reason is, I think young adult girls would typically enjoy it more than the boys. The material is engaging and follows right along with their age range. I just think it would probably be something that students would read in their free or personal time. Our textbook Readicide has taught us the importance that students should be able to read books that interest them and promote and enjoyment of reading. That is something that I do think this book accomplishes. Now while I might not directly implement this particular book in my classroom lessons, that is not to say it doesn´t have value or that there couldn´t be activities done with it. If an educator did have their students read this story, I think have students complete a timeline graphic organizer would be beneficial. The story line often jumps back and forth to different time periods. I also think if there were a group of students who seemed interested in this book, then maybe a small group discussion of sorts could be implemented with them regarding the story. The teacher could assist the students that are interested in this type of book with a guided discussion over their thoughts over the topic throughout or at the end of the story. One thing I love about this particular book is it is the first book in a six part series. I personally have only read the first book, but it definitely peaked my interest enough to want to see what happens next in the plot line and with the other characters. I think book series like this one are great for young readers because it promotes further reading and develops their love for reading in itself. So overall I would definitely recommend this book to be available in a local classroom library for students to utilize.